Search Engines

We all know the importance of Search Engines and how much they can help us..
Submitting your site to a search engine means you can increase your site's exposure in future search results.
I have listed the main search engines here and their submit pages
Below I have listed other search engine information and links that will help you with your sites.

If you have any other Search Engine Resources please add your link here.

Alta Vista
Northern Light
Web World Index


There are literally thousands of search engines on the Internet, and it would be a huge task in listing them all.
This section has been created to help you find the larger pages of search engine links and resources, so you can decide where to list your site. Please keep in mind that not all search engines will accept your "type" of site.
Please read carefully the submission requirements for each search engine before submitting.
Do not waste their time or yours by submitting, if your site does not meet their requirements.

Search Engine Guide Find topical search engines, portals, and directories. A great resources for helping with marketing and research.
Search Engine Watch Lots of Search Engine resources are found at this site, they list major search engines to speciality search engines, this site also includes other resources relating to search engines.
Search Engine World Wide A collection of search engines sorted by the country as well as the region. Search Engines Worldwide is one of the largest search engine links on the internet. Whatever you are searching for, you can find it, utilising a large number of search engines linked here.



Thanks to these guys who have helped me along the way :)
